Main mission features
To support public contracting authorities in the implementation of their investments through public-private partnership (PPP) schemes, AFD Group has set up a PPP Facility, which will make it possible to deploy a technical assistance system and to offer an innovative training course to meet the challenges in terms of quality and viability of the investments made.
This Facility aims to respond to the observation of the difficulty of bringing sustainable, bankable, “investable” PPP projects to the market due to insufficient planning and preparation of the projects.
The objective of the Facility is to support the development of a pipeline of projects using the Learning by doing method to promote the capacity building of actors in the institutional framework of PPPs and more specifically of bearers of projects.
Activities performed
Jade Advisory’s mission consists of providing the following services on behalf of CARPA:
- Support for the creation of a pipeline of PPP projects;
- Support for the development of standardized tools;
- Capacity building and training