Main mission features
The Investment Promotion Support Project (PAPI) is one of the actions of the Government of Madagascar aimed at stimulating strong, inclusive and sustainable economic growth through the promotion of private investments. The Government of Madagascar has obtained funding from the African Development Bank (AfDB) to implement this PAPI Project, the executing agency of which is provided by the Economic Development Board of Madagascar (EDBM).
One of the components of the PAPI project consists of supporting the implementation of public-private partnerships (PPP) with a view to promoting the contribution of the private sector to development, particularly in terms of infrastructure and logistics.
Activities performed
The Consultant’s mission is to assist the PPP Unit team to:
- Carrying out PPP activities during his mandate
- End-to-end execution of PPP operations from studies to signing of the PPP contract
- Supervision of the monitoring, control and evaluation of government advisers recruited within the framework of PPP activities
- Monitoring and evaluating of the PPP Program and PPP activities
- Updating the knowledge and capacities of PPP Unit members on PPP techniques and good practices