Main mission features
The mission aims to develop files for the selection of private partners for the design, construction and operation of solid waste management infrastructure in the Dakar region.
Activities performed
The main objective of the mission is to support the UCG to set up an optimal contractual structure from the point of view of the public authority and investors leading to the selection of private partners for:
- The design and detailed studies of solid waste management infrastructure in the Dakar Region
- The construction of solid waste management infrastructure in the Dakar Region
- Development and operation of solid waste management in the Dakar Region
Jade participates in covering the PPP and financial aspects of this mission, namely:
- Preparation of a Note on the procedure for setting up Public-Private Partnerships (PPP)
- Carrying out of the technical, economic and financial study of the project
- Preparation of a draft contract and other necessary documents
- Preparation of tender documents and company constitution
- Assistance in the examination and evaluation of tenders
- Assistance in negotiations