Main mission features
The Ministry of Petroleum, Energy and Mines (MPEM) wishes to develop a strategy to create favorable conditions to attract petroleum services and related activities to the country to support the development of the energy sector, create jobs and fostering the birth of a national energy services industry.
Activities performed
Jade Advisory is supporting the project team in charge of supporting the ministry in the preparation of a strategy for the creation of a service area dedicated to energy through, among others:
- Studying the relevant options for attracting oil service companies and accelerating the development of the local oil service sector
- Realizing an inventory of comparable development zones, special economic zones, industrial parks in Africa and around the world, focusing on models applicable to Mauritania
- Proposing the appropriate option for Mauritania
- Preparation of the financial model of the project
- Defining the priority activities and services that the area should promote
- Developing a roadmap for setting up and building the area to be proposed