Main mission features
The “Casino” was previously a hotel, then a casino, then a restaurant located in the city of Hammam Lif few kilometers to the south of Tunis. It was built in the late 19th century with a neo-Moorish style. As a part of a safeguarding and enhancing the cultural heritage policy, the municipality of Hammam-Lif has decided to concession the Casino and bring the protected historical monument back to life. The municipality has issued an RFP to select the private partner that will restore, reconvert, finance, operate and maintain the heritage building.
Activities performed
Jade Advisory is providing PPP expertise to the different public stakeholders:
- Developing the economic and financial model for the concession of the Casino de Hammam Lif project
- Evaluation of the received financial offer and financial model from the private bidder
- Providing PPP and procurement expertise.