Main mission features
The city of Yaoundé, “city of the seven hills” is the political capital of Cameroon. It is located in the south central region of the country, at the crossroads of several sub-regional transport axes, the most important of which is that it connects the ports of Kribi and Douala on the one hand, to Chad and the Central African Republic on the other hand, by serving the Cameroon hinterland.
Despite competition from rail, road remains the main mode of transporting goods on the Douala / Kribi-Bangui / Ndjamena, Ndjamena-Yoko-Djoum-Ouesso-Brazzaville (and later Kinshasa) and Ndjamena-Yoko-Ambam-Libreville.
The Yaoundé bypass route is located in the metropolitan area and totals more than 67 km. The overall objective of the Yaoundé bypass construction project is the facilitation of international and local transport.
The Yaoundé bypass will also have to support future urban developments. A large part of the city’s local traffic can then be transferred to the Yaoundé bypass via a grid of radial lanes which will be developed for this purpose.
Activities performed
The overall objective of the study conducted by Jade is to provide technical support to the Cameroonian authorities in:
- Reflection on an overall development logic on the rights-of-way of the Yaoundé bypass adjacent to the main intersections and hubs with intercepted roads to make the area of direct influence a real vector of planning and sustainable development for the whole of Greater Yaoundé.
- The organization of a round table of donors for the financing of the Yaoundé bypass project in PPP and other projects which contribute to regional integration in Central Africa.